
We promote opposition to war, advocacy of decentralization, and privatization both politically and monetarily as the highest priority issues for all libertarians.

As a community and work culture, our emphasis is on coalition building- working together on things which we agree, in order to achieve political objectives in the real world and expose non-libertarians to the superiority of governance by the market instead of the State.

Get Involved

To get involved, join our Discord and become a LPMC Oregon member, start here: LPMC National


    The Libertarian Party Mises Caucus of Oregon meets on the second Sunday of each month (except when that Sunday is a holiday like Easter, Mother's Day or Father's Day)
    at 7:00 pm on Zoom. To attend these meetings, make sure you are part of the Mises Caucus organization or email us at OregonLPMC@gmail.com

  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 11
